Communication and coordination between our clients and our technicians are critical to the success of our projects. We understand that every job is different and has its challenges. With our experience and custom designs, we can offer a cost-effective solution that makes a difference to your bottom line.
We were contracted by the prime on the project to perform a 30 MGD raw sewer tunnel bypass during the replacement of a force main to allow for the progression of tunneling associated with the Northeast Boundary Sewer. The project required that the raw sewer flow be pumped from an existing 48 in structure into an adjacent sewer with a 20” access opening. The sewer to be pumped was at a depth of approximately 40 feet below grade.
We completed the project including the turnkey installation of 3-24” hydraulic submersible pumps, with one auxiliary/ standby pump and power unit for a total of 3 units on site. Discharge lines were manifolded into the single connection point and a customer discharge pipe was designed and build to prevent damaged to the receiving structure from the discharge water velocity.
During initial startup testing, our engineering and project management team observed pumped flow in excess of the original design criteria. Coordination with the project team sequentially identified an interconnection upstream of the project which, if not caught in time may have resulted in a catastrophic overflow. Our team with the team from NEBT redesigned in system to accommodate the design flows and eliminate the upstream interconnection.